Calculate your true cost of employee turnover

An investment in your employees is an investment in your company’s success.

With Sama, you can connect your employees with experienced, credentialed executive coaches that can help them feel supported, become more engaged, and perform at a higher level.

Employees can start to unlock their potential in four easy steps:

Download the app

Employees begin their coaching journey and become part of the Sama community.

No integration or hardware required. The app is available on the App Store and Google Play. Employees can schedule their coaching sessions remotely. Sama will provide them with a unique username and password to sign in.

Meet the coach

Employees receive a personalized coaching experience based on the Sama algorithm.

Sama connects employees with the best coach for them. The connection is established confidentially. Employees get to interact with their assigned coach through the Sama app with our chat, voice, and video call functions.

Work with the coach

Empower your teams with supportive 1:1 coaching.

Employees can book voice and video calls or chat through the app. Sama coaches can now participate in the continued growth and development of employees. A single designated coach guides each employee to help them meet their professional development and life goals.

The employee works with this specific coach until they request otherwise, to maintain coaching continuity.

Unlock their full potential

Make your teams feel truly supported on their coaching journey.

When employees feel supported, they become more engaged and perform at higher levels. Help them unlock their full potential, enjoy the benefits, and make the most out of this valuable experience. Truly great coaching can leave them feeling as if they can do anything they set their mind to.

Your employees’ goals
are our priority

Are you ready to transform your team?