Trusted by users worldwide
Guaranteed chemistry fit
95% success at first session; unlimited coach swaps if not.
4.9 / 5 stars
Only the best executive coaches vetted by peers in your industry.
For all
Sama coaching is truly scalable. The right coach for the right level.
Create the optimal environment for your people to reach their full potential with Sama coaching
How it works

Your company signs up to Sama coaching. We take care of the rest with easy integration and quick rollout.
Employees match with their professional coach. We ensure a 95% matching rate at session one. Our AI matching algorithm ensures the right coach to the right people.

Employees begin working with their coach via chat, voice or video call. Book sessions as soon as the same day.
Ready to get started?
Champion their career
Sama connects your teams to the best professional coach for them. Built to seamlessly fit into your organisation, and powered by sophisticated technology and our team of highly experienced coaches.
Elevate engagement
Our powerful digital platform and proprietary algorithm matches people to the right coach – based on their professional development needs and personal profile.