What can online outplacement coaching do?
Restructuring and redundancies create huge disruptions for business. Not only are you saying goodbye to colleagues and redistributing workload, engagement and productivity drop due to change and uncertainty. You need a solution that boosts productivity without adding to the workload.
We can help.
Protect your reputation, engage your remaining workforce, and support your leavers through their next steps with specialised online coaching and outplacement plans, designed to keep your teams engaged and thriving.
Unlike prescriptive, out of the box plans, Sama empowers you to focus on your people with custom programs that keep your business firing on all cylinders, however tough things get.
Supporting your people through redundancy and restructuring is crucial for your ongoing success.
Outplacement coaching creates a lasting impression and happy leavers, who become alumni, protect your reputation and position you as an employer of choice.
People who remain often feel ‘survivors guilt’ which leads to negative sentiment, low morale, and a dip in productivity.
Unhappy leavers are bad for business, from negative Glassdoor reviews to word of mouth, they have a huge impact on your employer brand in the long term.
The right coaching helps teams focus on productivity, build resilience, and keep things running smoothly.
Why Sama?
- Boost performance
Improve productivity and increase revenue.
- Develop an inclusive culture
Retain and grow your diverse teams and develop an inclusive mindset.
- Improve retention
Keep top talent by understanding churn risk, and lower turnover and absence through disengagement.
Supporting your leavers - people-first career transitioning
When people lose their jobs - whatever the reason - they need more than just a great CV to find a new role. Sama’s outplacement programs focus on the bigger picture, giving tailored support that builds confidence, manages emotions, and helps leavers to leap forward in their careers.
1:1 coaches gives leavers a toolkit for success
Support your remaining teams while maintaining your culture
Major changes make people nervous, and your culture will likely suffer. Supporting your remaining teams is crucial to maintaining a healthy workforce and retaining top talent.
1:1 coaching empowers employees at any level to succeed
Group coaching addresses ‘survivors guilt’ and builds a positive environment
Leadership coaching that supports your whole team
Your leadership team need a redundancy toolkit to minimise disruption. The right coaching ensures you’re set up for success, with strong employee engagement in a values driven culture.
1:1 coaching for leaders is critical to success
Team coaching for leaders provides a network of support