Calculate your true cost of employee turnover

Total annual employee turnover cost

Transform these costs into investments

Reduce employee turnover by 30% and boost engagement by 65% with executive coaching at scale.


Employee's average annual basic salary

Annual benefits

Number of working days a year

Salary + benefits per day

Daily cost of covering for the position

Average days to fill roles

Total Cost to cover the position

Annual salary of HR or hiring manager

HR or hiring manager salary per hour

New Hire - Resume Screening (Hours)

New Hire - Interviews (Hours)

Total Hours to Fill Position

New Hire Costs - (Advertising Costs + Recruitment fee + Background checks)

Cost to Hire Replacement

Trainer or Manager annual salary

Trainer or Manager per day salary

Total Training Days Consumed

Total New Hire Training Cost

Daily cost of the new hire (Salary + benefits)

Days to ramp up new hire (Probation)

Total loss of productivity

Cost of turnover per employee

Total number of employees in the company

Percentage of turnover incurred in the year

Total turnover cost

Saving from attrition risk reduction from coaching

# of employees (total)

# of coached employees

# of employees managed by coachees

Base employee % for attrition risk reduction

Annual saving from attrition risk reduction from coaching