Calculate your true cost of employee turnover

Calculation breakdown

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Potential savings from reduced turnover with coaching

Transform these costs
into investments

Reduce employee turnover by 30% and boost engagement by 65% with executive coaching at scale.

Calculation breakdown

Average employee salary and benefits

Employee's average annual basic salary

Annual benefits

Number of working days a year

Salary + benefits per day

Cost to cover position

Daily cost of covering for the position

Average days to fill roles

Total cost to cover the position

Assumes other employees spend 30% of time covering for the employee who left.

Cost to hire replacement

Annual salary of HR or hiring manager

HR or hiring manager salary per hour

New hire - Resume screening (hours)

New hire - Interviews (hours)

Total hours to fill position

New hire costs - (advertising costs + recruitment fee + background checks)

Assumes 25% of the employee's salary.

Total cost to hire replacement

Cost of training new hire

Trainer or manager annual salary

Assumes 30% higher than the employee's salary.

Trainer or manager per day salary

Total training days consumed

Total new hire training cost

Assumes trainer/manager spends 20% of their time onboarding and training the new hire.

Days to productivity

Daily cost of the new hire (salary + benefits)

Days to ramp up new hire (probation)

Total loss of productivity

Assumes the new hire performs at 50% of the replaced employee during probation.

Cost of turnover per employee

Total number of employees in the company

Percentage of turnover incurred in the year

Total annual turnover cost