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Sama is right for you if you are looking to improve your level of contentment at work. Since work is where we spend most of our awake time, how we are at work impacts other areas of our life as well.

Sama believes that with the right tools and mindset, work should be fulfilling. This is what professional coaching is about.

Coaching will empower you and give you the tools to achieve your goals. Your coach is there to guide you in finding the right answer within yourself, rather than giving you ready- made solutions.

Our coaches are not mentors, therapists or trainers.

A coach will ask you the right questions to guide you and find within yourself the ways to meet your goals. Your coach will hold you accountable. Coaching is a process. Your coach will not tell you what to do, but will help you find the best solution for you, from within yourself, to unlock your potential.

A mentor is typically someone senior and in the same industry who gives you advice based on their specific experience.

No. But you need to be coachable. This means that you have to be open and in a mindset of self-exploration and growth. If you do not want to be responsible for your actions and change, coaching is not for you.

Sama coaches are accredited coaches, have been identified by Sama as having superior credentials from their coach training and accreditation and professional experience. Our coaches have gone through a thorough selection and vetting process led by Sama. All coaches can provide coaching in areas including performance, engagement, leadership, life balance, communication.

All Sama coaches go through a thorough interview and vetting process. As part of the interview process, each coach will have demonstrated their coaching skills through a live session with our screening team. We verify coaches’ accreditations and perform background and reference checks.

All coaches can provide coaching in areas including performance, empowerment, life balance, communication.

Sama coaches can guide you in five areas to help you meet your professional and life development goals.

  • Performance

    Support your professional development by setting clear goals, and identifying processes and behaviours to attain them. Manage your stress. Unlock your personal potential.

  • Leadership

    Develop an effective leadership style. Utilise frameworks to finetune skills, manage challenges, build confidence, provide feedback and manage conflict.

  • Communication

    Communicate effectively and authentically in any circumstance with any audience.

  • Engagement

    Ensure you are aligned with your organisation’s mission and values to develop the right mindset to grow within the organisation. Find meaning in what you do.

  • Life Balance

    Align your thoughts and behaviours with friends, family and work, so you are fully present for each. Make choices with clarity and confidence.

We suggest you focus on one area at a time to achieve the best results. You can change your area of focus at any time. Once you feel you have met your goals in a specific area, we encourage you to select another area of development to work on with a coach.

If you are not sure which area is best for you, or do not see it on our list, please reach out and we can help guide you at

Yes. Your personal information will not be shared with your employer. Any interaction you have with Sama is completely confidential, as per our Privacy Policy, so you can feel comfortable being open and honest about whatever is on your mind.

Sama complies with the highest standards of data protection regulations and is GDPR compliant.

Yes. You can change your coach at any time by selecting Change my coach in My Profile.

You are free to change your coach any time, here are a few reasons why you might consider making a change:

  • If the area you wish to work on changes and your current coach let’s you know that she/he does not have experience in this new area.

  • You have achieved your goals with your current coach and would like to try working with a different coach on another topic.

  • If, after working with your coach for some time, you do not feel you are making progress, or find that your schedules do not work.

If you are receiving Sama services through your employer, nothing!

Once you are matched with your coach, you can interact with your coach through chat, or book call or video call sessions. If you connect with your coach through chat, your coach will get back to you within a reasonable timeframe.

You and your coach will determine the frequency of your interactions, based on your coaching objectives. You can reach out to your coach through Chat or book a call or video call, whenever you need.

Unless your coach advises to use a specific mode of communication, this is up to you.

You can change your password by selecting Change password in My Profile.

Online coaching sessions, for everyone

Your goals are our priority

When you care about your teams' experience and wellbeing, investing in your people is an investment in your company’s success.

Your people's success matters. Sama gives everybody the right tools to increase their performance, achieve their goals, and unlock their potential. We provide the tools to create a truly inclusive culture.

  • 95% accuracy match between coach and individual
  • Coach approval: 4.9 out of 5 stars
  • From entry-level to C-Suite
  • On-demand coaching