Calculate your true cost of employee turnover

Where should I start with coaching?

Assessment Quiz

The quiz should take 3 minutes to complete.

I manage my time effectively between work and personal commitments.(Required)
I am confident that I have the skills and abilities to do my job well.(Required)
I make enough space for my health and wellbeing.(Required)
I have clarity on what is expected of me at work.(Required)
I am comfortable with leading initiatives at work.(Required)
I can communicate my ideas and vision clearly to others.(Required)
I am able to influence people effectively.(Required)
At work, I feel like I belong.(Required)
I have the impact that I want to have on others.(Required)
I address difficult conversations successfully.(Required)
I make it a point to hear everyone's opinions in discussions at work.(Required)
I plan ahead to ensure success.(Required)
My performance is evaluated fairly at work.(Required)
My personal values are aligned with the values of my company.(Required)
I am intentional about how I spend my time between work and my personal life.(Required)
I am able to switch off during my time off from work.(Required)
I am satisfied with the time I spend with my friends and family.(Required)
I can come up with different ways of doing things to meet my goals.(Required)
I find my work meaningful.(Required)
I act on the feedback I receive.(Required)
I prioritise my work-load effectively.(Required)
I collaborate effectively with others to achieve results.(Required)
I reach most of my objectives at work.(Required)
I express my ideas and opinions clearly.(Required)
I am empowered to make decisions that impact my performance.(Required)
I listen effectively.(Required)
I have good relationships with my colleagues.(Required)
I often ask questions to ensure I understand the information I receive.(Required)
I feel understood when I share my ideas with others.(Required)
I understand other people’s perspectives.(Required)
And lastly…(Required)

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